CBCONCH 112 Jesus Fish Conchos
Customized Saddle Conchos. CUSTOMIZED FOR YOU.
Add Custom Conchos to your next Saddle
To make your order we will need about 4 weeks.
- The Set Comes with a set of 6 Conchos
- The Set Comes with 4 - 1.5" Inch Conchos
- The Set Comes with 2 - 1" Inch Conchos
- If ordered with your saddle we will mount them on your saddle
- Made with screws mounted on back normally
- The back of the conchos can be customized as well to be
- Screw back
- Chicago screw back
- Slotted conchos with holes
Ask us for details on customizing conchos and discuss other options and applications where using the conchos to get the correct size, backing etc.